Now Minting for the cost of a drink!

Getting Started with Martian Bartender

How many will I be able to mint?

Each wallet will only be able to mint FIVE (5)

How much will each token cost on the initial drop?

The cost of a drink!

Each token will cost 0.01 ETH, plus gas.

Join our twitter for real time updates!

We send messages from space via our Twitter Feed. Follow us to receive real time updates from the bar. All relevant information with be released on those platforms first before revealing on the website or other mediums.

Connecting your wallet

Connecting your wallet has been disabled until you actually need to connect.Click Connect here to your wallet to Martian Bartender. When connected you will see your address displayed in the navigation bar as well as the wallet bar below. Must be connected to the Ethereum Mainnet Network.

Selecting amount to mint

CONNECT your wallet. Navigate to the MINT page. Select the QUANTITY you wish to mint using the icons for + or -. Click Mint button once your are satisfied with the quantity. This will popup your metamask to confirm the transaction. VERIFY THE AMOUNT IS CORRECT and confirm to accept the gas and the transaction.

Verifying your transaction

A notification will pop up confirming the transaction is in progress on the top right corner of the page. Once verified click the SEE DETAILS button on the popup to go to etherscan to verify the transaction. Verify you see tokens transferred from Martian Bartender to your address. Verify on OPEN SEA to see ownership under you. Verify the transaction on METAMASK. Verify on MY BAR on Martian Bartender(Coming Soon).

Fur frame separator

After your purchase on Martian Bartender

The Big Reveal

At this point, all the images might be just placeholders until all the tokens are minted and the reveal takes place. On the reveal, the placeholder image is replaced with the token image and metadata displaying which cocktail you have minted. Cheers.

Royalties & Distribution

Martian Bartender receives a 7.5% royalty for each transaction after the initial token minting on secondary markets. Royalties are usually paid by the seller on those markets. Royalties will help Martian Bartender grow, provide more value for holders, and help fellow service industry members in need. Distribution of the royalties is as follows:
30% Founders & Team
60% Operations
10% Charity and Donations

Grid frame separator


5,555 TOKENS

Rarities are broken down into four categories: well, call, premium, super premium. This would be the same as Common, Rare, Very Rare, Epic tokens in other projects. Each Martian Bartender card comes with a Frame, Planet, Cocktail, and Background. A randomly generated combination of these are created to ensure each card is unique. Final rarity is created at time art is generated.

Martian Bartender could throw a few extra in a category before generation that are not displayed here.


17 Frames in total. Four in each category. From a common gray frame to freakin laser beams.



Red White & Blue


Purple N Green


Assembly Line

Wood Frame






Freakin Laser Beams


Super Premium


Xmas Lights





17 Planets in total. Four in each category. From a common blue planet to others that are out of this world


Empty Space

Blue Planet

Red Planet

Purple Planet


Over Populated

Red Rings


Giant Rings






Super Premium

Happy Planet

Dueling Planets

Empathy Planet

Bubble Planet

Lava Planet


17 Backgrounds in total. Four in each category. From a empty space to diamonds in the sky.


Empty Space


Blue Nebula

Green Nebula


Pink Nebula

Red Nebula

Purple Nebula

Rainbow Nebula


Light Grid

Light Speed

Ludicrous Speed

Sky of Diamonds

Super Premium

Green Portal

Black Hole

Purple Portal






Engage with our community

Share your love of Martian Bartender on social media and with your friends. It is Martian Bartender's goal to provide lasting value on these channels so come back and have fun during happy hours, and office hours. Of course your feedback will drive the evolution of the next generation of Martian Bartender offerings, so your comments are vital.

Giveaways & Donations

Martian Bartender saves some cocktails for himself and stocks his bar so he can tip them to those you deserve one or are in need. 10% of the royalties will go into a separate account and be distributed to those in the service industry that need a boost. It could be an entire restaurant/bar, random individuals, or selected Martian Barflys who receive benefits from a donation.